Using Juga to manage data science projects


Managing a data science project involves several key steps:

  1. Define the project objectives: Clearly define the goals of the project and what success looks like. This will help guide the rest of the project and ensure that everyone is working towards the same target.
  2. Identify and gather data: Determine what data is needed to achieve the project objectives, and collect and organize the data as needed.
  3. Explore and clean the data: Explore the data to get a sense of its structure and quality, and then clean and preprocess the data as needed. This may involve handling missing values, outliers, and other issues.
  4. Develop a model: Choose an appropriate modeling approach and implement it using the data. This may involve training and testing various models and choosing the one that performs best.
  5. Evaluate the model: Evaluate the performance of the model using appropriate metrics, and make any necessary improvements.
  6. Communicate results: Communicate the results of the project to stakeholders, including any insights or recommendations.
  7. Deploy the model: If applicable, deploy the model in a production environment and monitor its performance over time.

It’s important to note that these steps are not necessarily linear and may involve some iteration. For example, you may need to go back and gather more data if the initial data is not sufficient, or you may need to try different modeling approaches if the initial model is not performing well.

The OUP for data science

The Open Unified Process (OUP) is a project management framework that is based on the principles of agile software development. It is designed to be flexible and adaptable, and it emphasizes the importance of collaboration and communication.

OUP can be used in data science. Here are the key phases for managing a data science project using the OUP:

  1. Inception: This phase is focused on defining the project scope and objectives, as well as identifying the stakeholders and their needs. The goal of this phase is to develop a high-level understanding of the project and to determine if it is feasible and viable.
  2. Elaboration: In this phase, the focus is on developing a more detailed understanding of the project and its requirements. This includes developing a data roadmap, identifying the necessary resources and skills, and creating a project plan.
  3. Construction: In the construction phase, the focus is on building the data pipeline and developing the model. This may involve implementing the data pipeline according to the data roadmap, choosing and implementing a modeling approach, and evaluating the model performance.
  4. Transition: In the transition phase, the focus is on deploying the model and transferring it to the operations team for ongoing maintenance and support. This may involve integrating the model into the production environment and setting up monitoring and evaluation processes.

Throughout the project, it’s important to keep stakeholders informed and involved in decision-making as appropriate. The OUP encourages a collaborative, iterative approach to data science project management, which helps ensure that the project stays on track and meets the business objectives.


Orange is an open-source data visualization and analysis tool that can be used for data science projects. It provides a range of features for exploring and analyzing data, including visualizations, machine learning algorithms, and interactive widgets.

Trello is a project management tool that allows you to create and organize tasks and projects using boards and cards. You can create boards for different projects and add cards to represent tasks or ideas. You can also assign tasks to team members, add due dates, and attach files or links to cards.

GitHub is a web-based platform that provides hosting for Git repositories and offers features like bug tracking, project management, and team collaboration. You can use GitHub to store and manage your code, track changes, and collaborate with others on projects.

By combining Orange, Trello, and GitHub, you can create a comprehensive workflow for managing data science projects. Here are some potential steps for using these tools together:

  1. Use Orange to explore and analyze your data. You can use the visualizations and machine learning algorithms in Orange to get a better understanding of your data and identify patterns and trends.
  2. Create a Trello board for your project. Use the board to create a high-level overview of your project and identify the tasks that need to be completed.
  3. Use Trello to break your project down into smaller tasks and assign them to team members. You can use cards to represent each task and assign them to team members using Trello’s assignment feature.
  4. Use GitHub to store and manage your code. You can create a repository for your project and use Git to track changes to your code. You can also use GitHub to collaborate with other team members and review code changes.

By following these steps, you can use Orange, Trello, and GitHub to manage your data science project effectively. You can use Orange to explore and analyze your data, Trello to organize and assign tasks, and GitHub to manage and track your code.

Juga in more detail

Juga from Tilix AI compliments the trifecta of Orange, Trello and Github by providing:

  • A KPI dashboard view
  • A library of templates including
    • Project management artefacts
    • Architectural blueprints
    • Code snippets

This article was updated on December 19, 2022

<p>Neil is an investor and advisor in energy, cleantech and mobility. He strongly believes that businesses have two (and only two) basic functions: MARKETING &amp; INNOVATION. He helps firms create and retain customers through his expertise in data science, digital engineering, enterprise architecture, partnership brokering, industry nous, research etc. His home turf is Edinburgh, London and Helsingborg.</p>