Success Story

Electric utility IIOT

As Head of Data in a large electric utility I need an Enterprise Architect to formulate the sensors and analytics roadmap for a cutting edge 400KV substation.

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Renewable Energy SaaS

As Head of Product for a SaaS solution provider in the renewable energy industry I need to provide GIS data sets and insights as part of an industrial-academic partnership in applied artificial intelligence.

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Innovative electric heating

As CTO of an innovative electric heating company, I need help analyzing large volumes of data to gain insights about customer behavior and identify opportunities to improve operations.

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Environmental Consultancy

As Chief Scientist of an environmental consultancy, I need a more efficient and user-friendly way of analyzing and visualizing electricity meter data so that my clients get better energy audits and environmental engineering solutions.

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Data science scale-up in energy and environment

As a CEO of a data science scale-up in the energy industry, I want to gather insights and direction from subject matter experts who have a deep understanding of applied data analytics and machine learning so that my team can make informed decisions and progress in their work.

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